Tuesday, May 19, 2009

if I am not quilting, I must be gardening

Right up there with quilting as a passion is gardening. I have loved digging in the dirt and growing stuff since childhood. Both my grandmothers were amazing gardeners-with fabulous gardens that I played in or admired all my growing up years. My aunt is also a fabulous gardener. That green thumb skipped my mom and found me.

I am showing before and in transition photos of the front left side of our home-as last fall I decided to re-do that area. I converted from a regular sprinkler system to a drip one. (saving so much water!) took out the ground cover/weeds, and relocated some plants.

before photo was from July 2008- after photo I took this morning. A few minutes ago I planted a butternut squash plant in the box closest to the sidewalk/driveway. I added two more plants into the front as well.

Last Sunday I was fired up to clean up and finish setting the drip system in the front deck area, do the rest of the front weeding and figure out where a few more plants needed to be re-located, plus plant the four new plants I actually allowed myself to buy. One was for the bleeding heart section, so that was easy to plop in. The other three were waiting as M came home and pointed out the umbrella I had put up needed to be weighed down or it would most likely tip over with any gust of wind. I put one cement block on but thought the other side should look

See that rock?

I decided it was perfect to help hold down the umbrella. Turns out whatever it weighs was beyond my lift it up and carry it strength. It got away from me and smashed my left index finger where the knuckle joint is located-on the inside of the hand. oh, major ouch! that ended my day plan of gardening. I spent the rest of the day icing 15 minutes, not icing 15 minutes-literally until around 7 pm. I knew it was not broken - but boy oh boy was it painful and yucky looking. Monday I checked with my doctor and was told-I did all the right things-it will remain swollen for about a month but go ahead and do whatever I can manage with it. I did win a tetanus shot as a result of this accident.

Admitting I needed some muscle help, my landscape guy came by last night and put that rock where I wanted it, plus finished using up all the tubing I had for setting drips. He ran out pretty fast-not even making it out the front deck area! He will be back today to finish up plus start the new french drain on the right side of the front yard.

The boxes will be planted with mostly veggies- the large pot is ready for the tomato plant we are getting from a co-worker's mom, and I still have plenty of weeding to finish up.

I am thankful I only lost a few days to my latest "body accident" and know how to rehab the left finger as well.

I can hardly wait to come home tonight and see how the front yard looks after my guy has done more work. Ok...it will only be black tubing done...only exciting to me ! :-)
but a big step towards the next planting time-in another week or so-we tend to have one more freeze in late spring and I am waiting to plant after that happens.

You all make it a joyful day!



At 9:30 AM, Blogger Rosalyn Manesse said...

Oh to be young and energetic again! I don't miss the mulching and weeding, though. Wonderful garden that you have!

At 12:23 PM, Blogger Hunter said...


Great work and such a beautiful area.

But ouch.

No more injuries this year, okay?

Sending you quick healing vibes.


At 3:06 PM, Blogger Linda C said...

so I am just glad it is not broken after your ordeal on Sunday,

I'm confused though--is the top picture the old one with the raised beds? The Before picture? In the feed they printed right next to each other but I am still not sure I have it straight, LOL

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Sorry about your 'owie'! Glad it's not broken after all.

Good job on the gardening~that's a big task :)

At 6:36 PM, Blogger Mary Johnson said...

I love gardens and flowers but have never been a gardener.....we did buy some flowers this weekend for the deck and the kitchen but I'm not sure how long they'll last with my brown thumb.

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Clare said...

Honestly Cher! M can't leave you alone for a minute without you injuring yourself. At least it is the left hand this time!

I'm making a raised bed for veggies in our courtyard. Having great fun buying tomato, bell pepper and chili plants.

At 3:36 AM, Blogger Sweet P said...

Your garden looks lovely. One of the reasons we bought a condo was because we didn't want to have the responsibility of yard work. But I'm thinking it would be cool to have a small container garden on our patio.

At 7:48 AM, Blogger Tonya Ricucci said...

ouch you are a hazard to yourself!

At 8:11 AM, Blogger Darcie said...

Holy smashing rocks, Batman! Youch! Poor girl. You need a suit of armor! ;-) Just kidding!

Kidding aside, your garden looks and sounds lovely! Ah...nothing like an Oregonian garden!

Enjoy. ;-) And be careful.

At 12:00 PM, Blogger Finn said...

The gardening looks wonderful Cher, but oh my, another injury?
You poor thing and your poor hand. That must be one heavy rock!! Glad you are getting some help. Heal fast! Hugs, Finn

At 6:57 AM, Blogger Juliann in WA said...

So fun to see your photo this morning. I am hoping to get some raised beds in this long weekend but I also need some fencing for the bunnies and racoons that have been seen browsing our yard this week. If am planning to garden for my kitchen, not to feed the wildlife :)


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