Where have I been? fill in from the various items:
1) took Alice to a fun quilt show after spending the night
2) had many doctor appointments and fun MRI's to take
3) work got overwhelmingly busy...
4) a lot of computer game playing
5) more thinking of quilting priorities
6) being on medication sucks
7) exhausted beyond belief...mega doses of vitamin D to the rescue!
8) two hours of gardening accomplished...hired someone to come help
9) one health result: pinched nerves in lower back- translate...no one activity for too long,
no surgery required (very good news) and time will heal...uh, patience is wearing thin.
10) without deadlines I seem to become the Queen of getting not much done if anything at all!!!
M is gone this weekend so I declared today a solo quilt retreat day...after my landscape guy canceled our morning work session. Following is the house taken over by a determined quilter.
and Zoe doing her favorite thing...hanging out on the deck enjoying the coming and going of sunshine...wishing it was more coming than going !!
back to sewing on circle blocks...I am not counting how many more I need to sew...I am doing five and then cutting or ironing or right now, posting this.
Labels: first post on retreat day