Thursday, August 12, 2010

wearing a sling...

Mimi- your comment did not have an email address, so my response is...

1) I am an excellent one hand typist...much improved a year ago when I broke my right hand.
2) Oregon law may not address wearing a sling- just going from what my doctor told me. I could with a pillow to support my arm not wear my any rate I am not up to trying as yet.
3) thanks for your kind comment- I do keep in mind that it is a six month rehab I do my exercises and do my best to try and "relax" through the "pain" much easier said than done!

4) I meant I am supposed to not lift with my non sling arm no more than a pound...yeah,right.
I do try and NOT over use my right arm which is challenging- as my job is all about being on the computer...I just take breaks.

the regular computer will be available tonight- my partner took it over this year when she figured out how to convert books on cd to a thumb drive and also how to download to her nano, bought just for that purpose (smile and shake of head). As we use the library 99% of the time as our book reading resource-what a deal for her. I personally prefer to actually read and I am a fairly fast reader- though I do not have the energy to stay up late reading like I loved to do, before my surgery.

All of which means I should be able to upload some photos and post a few photos tonight.

Meanwhile a friend came over and cut out a special project for me and as soon as I locate the right batting-I will with help from her if needed be able to actually sew on it.

All of my support team have been super in helping me do all the things I can not manage.

thanks again for taking the time to leave your comment.

oh joy, today is pt day as well !!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

later that month of April

I became ill around the end of April- and with many ups and downs took a break from blogland..and much of my regular life too.

July 13th I ended up having my left shoulder surgery to deal with bone spurs and a rotator cuff repair-cause? wear and tear...sheesh...body parts wear out ! and I am not all that old in my opinion- doctor said I must have really been an active person...well...right...but...still...dang. Have been living with a sling 24/7 since surgery and my last day is the 24th of this month-August. Meanwhile PT is making me a grumpy person...drugs really do not deal with that sort of me. I do my exercises and push as hard as I can and bargain with the guy to not wrench my arm around quite so much.

It was lots easier dealing with my broken hand. I know that means the memory has aged, because it wasn't much fun either.

Been playing computer games over at facebook and reading a lot. At least I knew to do a lot of cutting of fabric prior to surgery and once my left arm can be used "actively" I can get back to sewing seriously on a short term time wise. Since surgery I basically can use only my right hand and no lifting beyond a pound with it. It's nice to not have to feel guilty about doing any chores etc...but I do miss not being able to drive. I am hoping this weekend to try driving with my sling I have been off pain meds long enough and as long as I feel comfortable the doctor said I could try driving. Not sure if I will feel up to it or not however. It's amazing how tired I can get.

Went back to work full time on the 26th and who knows when I will actually catch up? But, I keep plugging away. I am using my laptop without any photo ability but, will post a photo when I am able to get to the "big" computer and upload a photo of me in my sling. not nearly as pretty as my purple cast.

ok..have checked in and it's time to go do exercises and shower...oh...a thrilling evening huh?

You all quilt a bit more for me ok?
