wearing a sling...
Mimi- your comment did not have an email address, so my response is...
1) I am an excellent one hand typist...much improved a year ago when I broke my right hand.
2) Oregon law may not address wearing a sling- just going from what my doctor told me. I could with a pillow to support my arm not wear my sling...at any rate I am not up to trying as yet.
3) thanks for your kind comment- I do keep in mind that it is a six month rehab process...so I do my exercises and do my best to try and "relax" through the "pain"...so much easier said than done!
4) I meant I am supposed to not lift with my non sling arm no more than a pound...yeah,right.
I do try and NOT over use my right arm which is challenging- as my job is all about being on the computer...I just take breaks.
the regular computer will be available tonight- my partner took it over this year when she figured out how to convert books on cd to a thumb drive and also how to download to her nano, bought just for that purpose (smile and shake of head). As we use the library 99% of the time as our book reading resource-what a deal for her. I personally prefer to actually read and I am a fairly fast reader- though I do not have the energy to stay up late reading like I loved to do, before my surgery.
All of which means I should be able to upload some photos and post a few photos tonight.
Meanwhile a friend came over and cut out a special project for me and as soon as I locate the right batting-I will with help from her if needed be able to actually sew on it.
All of my support team have been super in helping me do all the things I can not manage.
thanks again for taking the time to leave your comment.
oh joy, today is pt day as well !!!