Saturday, April 04, 2009

my favorite quilt show photo from NW Quilters Show

I had forgotten my camera but a fellow quilter took this photo for me - it was my favorite from the recent NW Quilters Show. The quilter is Maureen Eldred and I think she is my kind of quilter! Click to enlarge photo -and check out the variety of fabrics! The way this show was hung, it made it challenging to get good photos.
At any rate, today I am off to another quilt show-Clark County Quilters up in Vancouver. It's the last day and the one I volunteered to work at-I am also having the honor of reaching into the container of raffle ticket stubs and drawing our opportunity quilt winner at the end of the day.

I have a quilt to hand stitch binding on so I will stay busy when I am not volunteering or walking around to enjoy the show. It will be a long but fun day for me once I arrive.
And, I am bringing my camera so I will be able to take my own photos. I have two quilts in the show, so will take photos of those-always such fun to see your quilts hung up in that setting. I had yesterday off and once the workers left at 3:10 pm I was off to run a few errands and then put in some sewing time at the machine. I am still lagging behind in completing a few deadline projects. However, tomorrow is Portland Piecer group day-where I can focus on the charity quilting and great friends that join the fun. I have a huge stack of finished quilts to look over for attached labels and box up to be shipped out next week.
A bonus given to the workers was an older huge tv that was sucking up space in the fabric room. I also dismantled the porta crib-Alice has outgrown it and it's time to clear space for a guest bed that will work both for her and for grown up company that is expected later this spring. The stack of quilts will finally have a bed to be spread out on and stored nicely. The extra fabric is going to need to be shifted into a new place. We are determined to have that room re-carpeted and looking like a guest room rather than the piled up "stuff" room it has been for far too long.
Next Saturday that task begins in earnest. This weekend is filled with quilting events!



At 12:56 PM, Blogger Silverthimble said...

I am with you on this one--I too love this quilt!

Enjoy your quilt activity weekend! We are looking forward to the pictures of the show!

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Twisted Quilts said...

WOW! what a quilt, so simple but unique. It makes an imact.

At 4:49 AM, Blogger Tonya Ricucci said...

I love this quilt. So much more interesting to me than all those perfectly pieced fancy ones. Do you know if she pieced on foundations? Enjoy the next show - you really are in a great area for quilt activities.

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Rosalyn Manesse said...

what an exciting quilt. I'm thinking of the hours and hours of cutting and piecing involved.

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Hunter said...

This quilt looks like so much fun and so worry free.

Best regards and hoping you're feeling great.


At 7:25 AM, Blogger Clare said...

That quilt is just...... well just .....!

Looking forward to seeing the rest of the photos.


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