Wednesday, January 17, 2007

snow day

We finally got hit with the white stuff here. I came home early yesterday and my neighbor snapped me in the front of our house. I brought home lots of work and will be slaving away today.
There were so many car accidents and sledding accidents around here! Folks just do not get how to deal with snow/ice here as it doesn't haappen with enough frequency. Zoe loves running around in the snow-and even my sweetie is staying home today due to leaving her car at work. That's great-Zoe will have a playmate and I can actually get more work done that way.
I finished up the quilting on a second charity quilt-trimming and binding of course are next.
I made a large batch of lentil soup last night and picked up a few other items at the grocery store, so we are set. I just need to locate my snow boots...they got moved from their usual place and today I might actually use them! It seems I waste too much time hunting down things around here...good thing I declared this an organizing year of the house.


At 9:47 AM, Blogger Samantha said...

enjoy your snow! hope it gets easier forpeople to drive/sled safely. Meanwhile, you stay in and QUILT! Hooray!

At 12:22 PM, Blogger Finn said...

Hi Cher, what a great snow picture! Believe it or not, you have more snow than I do...LOL Not a typical WI winter!!

Love your spring block and way to go on your ostrich round! Enjoy your at home time, Hugs, Finn

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Shelina said...

It is smart not to be driving on the first snow day of the year. People around here need time to get used to snow, so I figure let them get some practice before I get out in it.

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Darcie said...

Oooh! Looks like your snow fell straight down...with no wind to blow it around into drifts and make it compacted. Hope you had a little fun out in it today. All work and no play, you know....

And a big kettle of soup? Hmmm. Can I hope for you to have one more snow day at home?!? Sounds good to me!

At 12:52 AM, Blogger Susan said...

Frame that photo for posterity. =)


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