Friday, after work, I stopped by the kids to drop off soup as I knew the 'flu bug had been visiting all week. Alice was much better, and the parents not so much! I volunteered to take Alice for a few hours to give them a break and they countered by suggesting she come spend the night. In about 10 seconds I had her bag packed, her daddy had her traveling crib packed and we were out of there. No way did I want them to change their minds *vbs* Alice is at this time my only grandchild and of course, I simply adore her. We happily juggled plans to include Miss Alice Wonderful and it was a grand time. After she turned down salmon and mas
hed sweet potatoes for supper, I cooked up her all time favorite, pasta and red sauce. She enjoyed it again the next day for lunch, no problem. She can now sit in a booster chair at the table and feed herself...well, pretty much...as you can see-when the fork becomes too slow, the hands work! We had sunshine today so a walk over to the park behind our house was a great adventure. She loves to run down the small hills...and can jump both feet off the ground at the same time-her doctor says that is unusual for the age of 20 months. Well, she is a very physically active child and fearless too. During nap time this morning-a nice two plus hours, I tackled more of the things in the Messy Corner-like the fleece pants that have been waiting to be hemmed for two years now and another mending chore. We had to return Alice by 3 pm and were very sad to have to say goodbye to her. Zoe (our boxer) conked out for an extended nap once we left-keeping up with Miss Alice is a very demanding job for a dog! As you can see, Zoe was very gracious about giving up her bed to Miss Alice...plus she shared her toys too. Alice loves to empty the dog toy basket, tossing balls everywhere over her shoulder-oh my. On our way home we picked up some more groceries and pasta to go. I have been stitching binding on a ufo, it should be done later tonight-and cutting for more heart blocks for guild on Tuesday night. I actually put away two giant stacks of magazines, papers, and books in the sewing room as well...I decided to set up the ironing board where they were in the way on the floor...and some of this red will be the background for a house block for Bonnie over at Quiltville. I am taking care of the little bits of quilting things so I can feel the decks are cleared for the next thing. I have two pinned quilts waiting to be quilted and then, what is left in the Messy Corner are bagged scraps and a few project kits. On the sewing table is a container of my flannel strips stacked neatly and the next Christmas fabric project. On the design wall is the blue and while star block. I think I have enough to stay busy for quite a while without leaving the room! If tomorrow is sunny, gardening time will happen. If it rains, I will stitch the day away. Either way, Sunday sounds like a wonderful day to me- I hope your Sunday is just as terrific. Thanks for stopping by!
Labels: Alice and projects