beach weekend
Our office is closed on Monday, like so many will be here in the States..we had the chance to go stay at a friends beach house and could not get the yes word out fast enough! It's gonna be a hot weekend they say and nice to leave town during it. We have family that lives over on the coast to visit as well - so that will be fun to fit in. I am NOT taking any quilting to do. A quilt book to read is as close as I am getting. I am taking my two yarn projects. I am close to being done with one ( I started in Dec 05), and M's sister is going to laugh at me-she did this sweater in a week. yeah, well-she's been knitting since forever and can really fly. I had to learn a whole lot to do this "simple" sweater. I learned to knit from my grandma as a child, but, only knitted off and on since. Mostly off. Like the new trends and fabrics that awoke a renewed interest in quilting, the yarn world has really taken off with great, fun, fabulous yarns available now. So, my knitting is packed, my book is packed, and so are my clothes. When I get home from work tomorrow, it all gets tossed into the van and off we go. I have to take some work along, but, it won't be too terrible to deal with. Zoe can hardly wait to hit the sand-she adores the beach and is so entertaining to watch. (Zoe is our 3 year old boxer dog )
Anyway, that means no computer until Monday night. I will miss keeping up with all my blogland friends-but will enjoy catching up when we get back.
Why do I quilt?? cause I can't paint, draw, sing on key, play a musical instrument, do tai chi or yoga, but with fabric and a machine I can express my creative spirit! I can watch my skills grow and evolve and take joy in all the results. A lot of my quilting goes towards supporting my charity of choice-wraptheminlove.
I imagine the bright or scrappy quilts I make wrapping some child not only in it's warmth, but the love and joy I put into making it. Quilting is an art where the end result can make a lot of people feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And it truly makes my heart sing. I have to say it gives me such a break from the practical side of my brain-what I do for a living-yet it includes those qualities that I excel at work in too-that attention to detail, following up on a good design with a balance of color and so on. However, you can push your limits and discover whole new worlds of ideas to explore within the quilting's just so much fun to play with quilting.
Any day I quilt, is always a good day.