just about ready and Happy Birthday E !!!
I worked enough to fit the porta crib and the rocker in here...it's much neater and some stuff has found a new place to live or gone away all together. I just need to pick up the bottom part of the crib that got left behind.
Here is the birthday daddy with of course Alice...she is a great Daddy's girlA little before and after taste of our backyard-a year ago it was hard to imagine this vision!
If you back track in my blog to a year ago, you will find plenty of photos of the backyard remodel work. I took almost daily photos...it was amazing to watch. We still have a lot more in store but right now-it is at least usable, which is a very good thing.
I have the last seam pinned waiting for me to work on-then the first quarter will be a done deal on the wedding quilt and it's on to the next quarter. I worked hard enough on the fabric room and garage to earn some stitching time now. It's Friday- which means pizzacato pizza for dinner, being picked up by my sweetie. Tomorrow morning we will go downtown and buy produce and fruit from the local farmer's market-I have been asked to pick up half a flat of strawberries for the bbq later in the day, featuring strawberry shortcake as dessert...nothing beats Hood River strawberries fresh from the fields for taste. Home to tidy up the floors (crawling babies deserve clean floors in my opinion) and wrap the birthday gift. With the baby spending the night-who knows how much sleep I will get and she usually wakes up at 4:30 am. Guess I better get some extra sleep tonight and be rested up :-) I hope your weekend is filled with all good things. Check back late Sunday for new Alice photos...with any luck in 24 hours she will be here keeping me quite busy. And you know, I am counting those hours.
Labels: garden, grandbabies
Wow...isn't it amazing how different your yard is...wow! Looks great!
LMAIW...24 hrs of bliss...how fun for you. Pics, you know we want lots of pics!!!
It is definitely shaping up in there--enough to make a bit of room for that precious girl. Happy B-day to Daddy! Sounds like you have a good day planned.
Hey GF, I'm emerging from my lair..just in time to say a happy birthday to Alice's Daddy, send a hug for her Granny, a high 5 for a great looking yard remodel, and a WOW...1/4th done ont he WQ already??? Amazing!
The string quilt looks wonderful, very happy and bright..*VBS* Think of you often, I catch up with you soon. Hugs, Finn
How did the sleepover go? :)
Those strawberries sound delicious!
Wow, the landscaping is beautiful.
Sure looks like a proud papa with Alice! And how did the sleepover go?
That's an awesome transformation of your yard. Don't you love it when things come together?
That's a pretty impressive stash in the background there!
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