Thursday, July 19, 2007

belated birthday's all about Alice

I am a pretty orderly person, given time and opportunity. Lately, chaos has had the upper hand and so...I am picking up here on my blog where I mentally left off. Alice birthday photos..I need to upload Sisters photos and that will happen next...whenever time permits..and then there is the finished rainbow quilt to share and probably a wedding quilt too by the end of this week. A new project is poised to take over my life...a friend is under going surgery today. Surely a quilt needs to be made as a coming home to heal celebration for her. I know the colors and I know the pattern-just need to pull stash and get it done. If you miss hearing from me- email me, as I have email access though not blog access at work. I read email at work if I remember to take a break.
yes, it's been crazy busy at work lately and I still have an issue to resolve -stubborn thing.

The wagon is from her parents and the alligator push toy is from her uncle, leaving the doll and quilt from nonna- I am correcting my spelling thanks to my son pointing out nona means nine in Italian...I may as well defer to his superior knowledge now :-)
and out of sixty or so photos...I think I captured the fun of the gifts ...and will leave the rest on my computer. Suffice to say she had a wonderful time with the boxes, ribbons, and paper as much as the contents proved to be. I apparently missed the photo of her sprawling face down on the quilt, loving it up. oh well....she continues to enjoy rolling around on it when it's on the floor-along with a wonderful Pooh fuzzy small blankie that arrived in the mail last week.


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Linda C said...

What a doll baby! I bet you all had a good time watching her tear through the paper to get to the goodies. Good girl appreciating quilts already!

So if I don't see you for a few days, you are working on your friend's quilt then.

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Michele Bilyeu said...

Alice is totally adorable. I can see she loves all of her gifts! On the Nona, nonna etc.spelling...right after you first posted about that, I actually read or heard somewhere that Nona is the Indian spelling for a sacred title meaning 'Great Mother'. To me, great mother is the definition of grandmother but I'm not sure if they meant American Indian and if so, what tribe... or if they meant East Indian or some variation.

In Greek culture No ..long was the Fate who spins the thread of life. I find that rather intriguing! So, I say...pronounce it and spell it however, you wish.... but in any case how wonderful to be the great...grand...goddesss...mother of a such a precious child!

At 4:57 PM, Blogger Holly said...

And in Indonesia, Cher, No ..long means Miss as in young girl/woman, unmarried. So you Could actually call Alice "Nona Manis (mawniece)" which is an endearment for Sweet Miss, used a lot in Indonesia. Who'da thunk there would be so many different interpretations for Nona, eh?

The quilt is beautiful, Alice so sweet. Is that her mother in the background of one of the pictures? Looks like she had a great birthday.

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Silverthimble said...

..and it should be "all about Alice"! She is so cute! I envy you going to Sisters!

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Sweet P said...

Happy Belated Birthday! What gorgeous curly hair she has.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Finn said...

Hi Cher, what adorable pictures! She is defintely a heart breaker in the growing!
Love the neat gifties, and apparently she does also.
Quilt looks wonderful and such a neat etnic(?) dolly?? Now it needs a quilt also..*VBS*
Enjoy the stitching time, and I sure hope you get a chance to come up for air....a constant rat race is a bummer! Sending big hugs and lots of good energy, Finn


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