adorable Alice spent the night-once she was in bed-I put the binding on this quilt. I am sending Finn a copy of the photo as this qualifies as an orphan quilt. The center part-that includes the black was a donation to our charity group. Too small-it sat around until I came up with the idea and the perfect stash fabric to enlarge it. A volunteer longarm gal just quilted it and returned it to me last Sunday. I figure that was a very large orphan block I rescued and turned into a snuggly quilt- into the box it went. Today during Alice naps, I have trimmed a donated queen size quilted quilt-ready to put binding on , stitched up one swaddling blanket for a baby shower gift for a co-worker I need to have done by this coming week, and took off binding on a 20 by 24 "quilt" so I can rescue the yellow log cabin blocks and turn them into something larger-again, suitable for a charity quilt. She is still napping, so blog reading and updating seemed the next thing to accomplish. Her parents called and said they would be picking her up late- and of course my response was, she is welcome to spend another night. After all, she has been a delightful angel for me. She and Zoe are wonderful together-the giggling on her part and the tail wagging on Zoe's part just make me laugh too. We have graduated to taking stroller dog walks nowadays...with a stop at the playground swing of course.
Anyway- I have been reading various blogs and seeing fantastic quilting going on! You all are doing some great work and having such fun and poor me, I am still trying to finish up other commitments before I allow myself play time for me. I am such a meanie to myself...as we all know it is our choice how we spend our time in the quilting department-but I feel stronger about keeping these promises than indulging myself. I am the queen of delayed gratification. I can wait to open a gift given to me today, until Christmas if it is supposed to be a Christmas gift.
However, I am going to make sure I finish stuff up tonight as tomorrow I am determined to do some playing for myself! And, I have so many ideas, I have no clue which one will win ...when I wake up I will decide.
I also have been inspired to start boxing up some of the many projects around here so I can more easily find them when I am ready to work on them. The lack of organization is making it a lot less fun to play at quilting recently.
Labels: alice, orphan quilt