re-visiting a ufo
Quite a while ago I shared the foundation instructions for this quilt I bought back in 2000.
I seem to still have quite a few ufos from that year. I got distracted with other quilts and this was once again put aside. Yesterday I stay stitched and trimmed the yellow piece. Then I decided it was too messy and cluttered in here and I was off and running on spending the rest of my day and evening doing my idea of purging/cleaning/clearing etc. I started in the garage. Yes, I knew there was room to be had if I tidied up some of those shelves out there. And, some of this stuff possibly needed to be boxed up and sent out there-should I come up with space. Well, some of the tubs out there contained fabric-uh, oh. Anyway- needless to say I am still in the midst of this purging/cleaning out etc. project but this morning- I sat down and stay stitched the red and orange arc which I had pieced before stopping on this block and then stay stitched the blue piece. I am following the directions here- seems a lot of extra stitching but I am sure it is to help not have those curves get out of whack.
I can see myself poking away on this project in between finishing the great clean up I have going on. I am almost finished out in the garage-a full load in my vehicle for charity to drop off, and plenty of outright trash in the garbage can. I have been working with Starbucks customer service trying to get our expresso machine to work..this morning I was given additional advice to try. I ran the machine per their instructions and still nothing. I will just call them in a bit. I have a request from my sweetie to follow up on next. Oh, rain and a bit of thunder ...good thing I am done loading my car. Guess that means gardening later is also out. I am so glad that tomorrow is another day off for me. I have unearthed some donated tops and with all the extra scrap batting I stacked up-that would be something else to do and have less stuff around.
I will post this block once it is stitched together and then hold off until all the remaining blocks are done.
Labels: a step forward on a 2000 ufo